Thursday, September 10, 2009

So, what we have completed some things in the past several weeks. We have completed our:
~A video
~Some puzzles

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hihi ^^
Here to post about what happened just now.
After archery just now, zijun , mingxian & amirah came to my house.
We did our project, managed to complete half of the powerpoint slides.
The photos I'm going to post are taken just now.
As zijun is embarassed to take photos, he send me his photo he had taken before.
Alright, here are the photos ^^

Group Reflection

Date of reflection :
12th August 2009 :)
1) What have we done well for this project?
We have done well in team work and producing a good piece of pollution project work. We've worked hard to archeive this standard. We believe that only a good team that works hand in hand would produce a good project.
2) What have we not done well for this project?
Having diffculties gathering information, we also have problems arranging a meet up to finish this project together.
3)What can we do to make this project a success?
I guess we have to work even harder. In order to succeed even in anything, not just this project, we have to work hard and put our mind on it.

Individual Reflection
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Here's my relfection, :)

1. I helped with the survey, did the blog.
2.I'll try to spend my time more on doing the other things that have yet to been done.
3.I learnt how to communicate in a group & teamwork.

Marvellous , excellent , splendid.
Ok, Byeeeee.

Individual Reflection

1)I have contributed by completing the survey forms and analysing it. I will also be completing the bar graphs for the analysis and gathering information on our research too.

2)I will try my best in doing this project and put in more effort. Eventhough i am having difficulties gathering information on the project. I will cooperate more with my team members in order for all of us to succeed in this project.

3)I have learnt a lot about pollution and its effect on Earth. After knowing all these facts, i will TRY and prevent myself from littering so much these days..

I guess thats all for now!!


rofl this are mx

1.I have contributed information and research about environmental... stuff, printed out survey forms(a lot of ink leh D:<)

2.I can put in more effort into the project and organize my schedules to get the project done as fast as possible.

3.Teamwork... n' stuff.


Individual Reflection

Okay. My blogger got something wrong, so can't make blog beautiful. Um, for Individual Relection...
1. I have contributed in this project by doing my questions, help out with making the blog, help the others with their questions too, and... i don't know what else i've done. i'll think of more and edit. :)
2. I can spend my free time on the project and finsh my work on time. :]
3. I have learnt some facinating facts about pollution. :D OKAY! That's all. :D
By , Zijun

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Group Reflection is :
1. What have we done well for this project?
2.What have we not done well for this project?
3.What can we do to make this project a success?
The Individual Relfection is :
1.What contributions have I made to this project?
2.What more can I do to make this project a success?
3.What have I learnt from doing this project so far?

Spongebob's {:


Consists of ,

Amirah , Leader :)
Crystal , Recorder :)
Zijun , Questioner :)
Mingxian , Encourager :)

Panthers Palace theatre
Scream out loud!

ShoutMix chat widget

You're on your way,

Greenmin-d ,
Power Rangers ,
Coconut ,
Jcz luv ,
Riots ,
Eh-205 ,
Gaia ,
Gaia ,

Links (Other sites)
You're on your way,

Google ,
Yahoo ,
Eastview ,

Listen Hard , Listen clear

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Gone with the wind,

July 2009
August 2009
September 2009

Take a bow,
